
Orly Adrenaline Rush Collection (partial)


Hi friends!!

I picked up these four beautiful neon babies about a month ago at the last B1G1 sale at Sally’s! they were hidden in a bag in my closet (place where I usually put my pretties to keep them save from judging eyes) and completely forgot they were there!! Shame on me! I’m so happy I found them though because these babies are gorgeous!! for some wacky reason I avoided Orly at first but lately I find myself buying more and more polishes from this brand and they never disappoint!

I only actually picked up four out of six of the polishes from the Adrenaline Rush Collection because the other two didn’t call me as much. Some of these babies were sooooo difficult to photograph!! so you’ll see different lighting and different quality as I opted to keep the most color accurate pics instead of the “prettiest ones”. Let’s get to them! two coats plus top coat on all of these!

Risky Behavior


Push the limit


For nail art I sponged in some white and fairy dusted it.


On the Edge


This nail art I call “trying to paint straight lines while your son moves the table and you”.

Definitely not what I thought this mani would look like but a good time was had by all… specially my son.




…and some little flowers, I haven’t done this in a while and florals are my fav type of nail art.


I love all four of these polishes!!! Hope you liked them too!

Thank you so much for reading!


“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe”.- Anatole France

*****The opinions expressed above are 100% honest and based on MY experience with the product*****


35 thoughts on “Orly Adrenaline Rush Collection (partial)

  1. I love Orly polishes. It’s become my favorite mainstream brand. I also got some colors from this collection during the B1G1 sale. I didn’t get Risky Behavior because it’s similar to other pinks I have but I did get the other 3.

  2. Love the cute nail art! I am super drWn to that saturated blue. I still haven’t tried Orly yet and I may need to (do I need to?). This collection screams “vacation!” to me.

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